​Who is Arman Farahmand?

Redesigning the World Around Me is the Mission!

Born 1991 in Isfahan/Iran, Moved to Tehran/Iran.
​​​​​​​1993 Finished highschool in 2008, Won the 46th place in university entrance exam between thousands in 2009.

1991 - 2009

2010 - 2014

Entered AUT in 2010 Participated in various design activities, expos, exibitions, awards, seminars and etc meanwhile in University. Graduated BA degree 2014 and Started to work as a freelance designer in 2014.

Started to work in Golden Design in 2015. Founded Beaniko Decoration House in late 2015 Designed and Produced various decoration pieces within five years. Got married in 2018.

2015 - 2018

2019 - 2021

Experienced Architecture 2019. At late 2019 entered his familly business "Farahmand Tools" and transformed it from a traditional business to a modern one by designing identity, systems, services and also its architecture, sales and financial structure​​​​​​​.

Co-Founded TAK company (cutting tools experties) in 2022. Took place as CEO in the same year and Designed a brand named "STARK" with various products in the field.

2022- 2023


Started to work outside of the country as partner and designer in companies based in US and Canada under the studio named "Arman Farahmand Design Studio" which he founded back in 2014​​​​​​​.

More about Beraniko

I have experienced different field of works such as Design and Redesign, Service Design, Business and Management, Photography and Videography, Branding, Architecture, Prototyping, Marketting, Arts and crafts and Charity activities.​​​​​​​

Arman Farahmand



Adventure & Traveling

